Living Syllabus

The Living Syllabus is an ongoing project to collect and curate notable articles published in The Russian Review over the journal’s long history. These articles include recent pieces that made a significant impact in the field as well as longstanding “classics.” Some are scholarly works in culture, history, literature, and political science; others can be read as primary sources on the history of Russia and its emigres, such as the memoirs and essays published in the journal’s early years by Nikolai Berdyaev, Alexander Kerensky, Hélène Iswolsky, Vladimir Nabokov, and others.
These selected articles are grouped into thematic guides written by advanced students under the supervision of members of the editorial collegium. The guides are meant to help teachers create syllabi or course modules that draw on the journal’s past issues, all of which are readily available online. They can also be used by students and scholars to learn about key issues in Russian and Eurasian studies. We encourage readers to check back regularly as new guides are added to this “living” resource.